
2007-01-13 5:31 am

回答 (1)

2007-01-21 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 截止申請日期:二零零七年一月二十九日(星期一) 下午五時。
2. 領取表格方法及時間:
(i) 於辦公時間親臨本校校務處領取申請表格
(ii) 由本校網頁下載 http://www.skss.edu.hk
3. 本年度可供申請的自行分配中一學位名額為60 個。
4. 申請表格內的資料將絕對保密,只用作申請本校中一學位入學用途。
5. 遞交表格方法及注意事項:請把申請表連同下列證件之影印本(請勿摺疊)及貼上$ 1.4
a. 小五上﹑下學期成績表 d. 身分證
b. 小六上學期成績表 (如有) e. 出世紙
c. 各項獎狀及推薦信 (如有) f. 小六學生證 (教統局)
6. 有關收生準則及比重如下:
學術表現:50 % 語文能力:10 %
面試及操行:20 % 獎項:10 %
課外活動、服務:5 % 才藝:5 %
7. 中一入學面試 (凡申請者均獲安排面試)
(i) 日期:二零零七年三月十七日(星期六)
(ii) 通知:校方將以郵遞方式通知申請人有關面試詳情
8. 成績公佈
逾 期 申 請 或 證 件 不 足 者 , 恕 不 獲 處 理。
C. & M. A. Sun Kei Secondary School
Important Notes for Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places 2007-2008
1. The application form must be returned to the School Office by 5:00p.m. on or before Monday,
29th January, 2007.
2. Applicants can obtain the application form from 28th December 2006 to 29th January, 2007 by:
a. coming to the school office in person (opening hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30a.m. – 5:00p.m.;
Sat: 9:00a.m. – 12:00 noon)
b. downloading the form from the school web site http://www.skss.edu.hk
3. The number of Secondary One Discretionary Places available for application in this academic
year is 60.
4. The personal data collected for this application will only be used for processing application for
a school place. All information in the application form will not be disclosed.
5. Please put the following documents into an A4 sized envelope and return it to the school office
in person. The school will issue a Parent Copy of the Application Form for S1 Discretionary
Place to acknowledge the receipt of the application.
a. The duly completed application form
b. A stamped ($1.4), self-addressed envelope
c. Photocopies of Primary 5 academic reports
d. A photocopy of Primary 6 half-yearly academic report (if any)
e. Photocopies of certificates for awards, extra-curricular activities and services
f. A photocopy of recommendation letter (if any)
g. A photocopy of Hong Kong Identity Card
h. A photocopy of Hong Kong Birth Certificate
i. A photocopy of SSPA 2005/2007 Primary 6 Identification Form
6. The admission criteria and weightings are as follows:
Admission criteria and weightings
Academic Performance: 50% Language Proficiency: 10%
Interview and Conduct: 20% Awards: 10%
Extra-curricular Activities and Services: 5% Personal Talents: 5%
7. Interview (will be arranged for all applicants)
a. Date : Saturday, 17th March, 2007
b. Applicants will be notified of the details of the interview by post
8. Release of Results
Results will be released in mid-July 2007 together with the Central Allocation results. Parents
need not inquire about the results before the announcement of the Central Allocation results.
Application forms and supporting documents received
after the deadline will not be considered.


2007-01-21 13:38:45 補充:
***收生準則及所佔比重學術表現:50 % 語文能力:10 %面試及操行:20 % 獎項:10 %課外活動、服務:5 % 才藝:5 %7. 中一入學面試 (凡申請者均獲安排面試)(i) 日期:二零零七年三月十七日(星期六)(ii) 通知:校方將以郵遞方式通知申請人有關面試詳情8. 成績公佈
參考: 宣基中學網

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