
2007-01-13 4:31 am







回答 (1)

2007-01-15 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想出國留學學好英文,去澳洲定英國比較好?This is very depend the financial status of your family and the cultural for both two countries. Studying in UK is about 2 or 3 times more than studying in Australia. In addition, the living standard is totally different. As we know that British has two types: very conversatives and very modern. However, they usually don't smile and don't like talking in a straight forward way. For Aussie, they are very friendly, nice, sunshine and very straight forward (like is like, don;t like is don't like). For the weather, UK is very windy and chilly in winter. Australia just depend which city you are staying. Most place "four seasons in one day".

英國好像比較貴,澳洲好像比較舒服,不過我害怕那裡的英文水平會差點。I am so suprised of this part "不過我害怕那裡的英文水平會差點". Both are native basic and speaking countries, there is no different between "不過我害怕那裡的英文水平會差點". Once you are good in English, you would not have any problem in both countries. Unless you are doing Eng Lit. which you have to choose UK. In addition, when you are in overseas if you are staying with Chinese/ HK people, you cannot improve your English. I think you no need to worry about "不過我害怕那裡的英文水平會差點", you better worry about that are you staying with HK/ Chinese people tooo much when you are in overseas. This is a very serious question for you.

如果去留學既話有咩需要留意?The quality of the school, cultural and finance.

我在兩個地方都沒有親戚。So? This would not help you to improve your English, better stay in boarding house. As you have finished HKCEE, you must 15-16+ gar la...ai...better be independent and no more spoon feed, no need to staying 親戚. Use your brain and mouth to ask local people, this can open your eyes and get more experience. One of the objectives to study in overseas that is learing the cultural, thus staying 親戚 just spoiling your time and money in there. If you prefer staying with 親戚, better staying in HK with your parents. At least, no more trouble and you are depending people.

還有兩地幾時開學?For UK, first semester is Sept or mid of Sept; second semester is about Jan. Australia, for non-university courses usually have four terms. Two terms for one semester, the first term is commenced on early Feb to early Mar, second term is after Easter holiday. Thrid term is from mid or later July. Forth term is from early of Oct. Most school won't let any new students reach in Forth term, since just about 6 weeks only and then summer holiday.

如果去到係讀高中定咩?As you still young, I don't suggest you are going to do any dip. Better do junior high school/ high school to improve your language skill and can have more time to let you find out which course you prefer to do in uni. In addition, you must have to do language course before get into junior high/ high school in overseas. In Australia, if you don't want spend at least three months for language school. You can study in any countryside high school to avoid paying any expensive language school fee. However, as you are failed Eng in CE, your Eng skill might in limitation level. If you are going to do junior-high/ high school directly, you must feel very hard and lack of ability to handle it.

Good luck!

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