
2007-01-13 3:52 am
我想申請張自動提款card, 唔知要唔要收任何廢用

回答 (5)

2007-01-13 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
任何銀行都什歡迎你申請用提欸卡, 因為可慳人手. 絕無收費, 放心.

2007-01-13 11:17:18 補充:
英文是:I want to apply for an ATM card and wonder if there are any charges?
2007-01-13 5:09 am
I would like to apply for an ATM card and wonder if the bank will charge me a handling fee.
2007-01-13 4:24 am
I want to apply open automatically withdraw money card, does not know wants not to have to receive waste any uses.
2007-01-13 4:06 am
I intend to apply for an ATM card, and would like to know if your bank charges any fee before I do so.
2007-01-13 3:57 am

我想申請張自動提款card, 唔知要唔要收任何廢(費)用


I want to apply for a piece the auto withdraw depoist card, the Wu knows wanting Wu to collect any expenses

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:32:58
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