some useful sentences in english conversation.,,.,.

2007-01-13 3:13 am
plz i want to have some useful sentences in english conversation.,,.,.

e.g. that is a good idea,,,.,.

and besides that one ,,..i want to have others,.,.,.,.

thx if you can help me,,.,.,.

回答 (1)

2007-01-13 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not to mention.........

He/she ran like hell.

Carry on.


you rock!!

you are welcome.

i think so.

i hope so.

Who knows.

Forget it.

Watch out!!

i am afraid i don't understand..........

it is a good catch.

That's my target.

I'll tell you what.

Don't get me wrong.

You can say that again.

you are on the right track.

Whatever you say.

My feet are killing me.

Does it ring a bell..........

Not that i know of.

I wish i could


It doesn't make any difference.

Here you go.

what's it for?

a long way to go..........

Face it!!

You could do just as well.

Get the hang of..........

Let's call it a day.

i was stuck in the ...... all day

get it over with.

My brain suddenly went blank.

Hey!! Check this out!!

i couldn't help it.

Stormed out of .............(a place)

Any idea?

What is wrong with you?

Don't talk it out on me.

2007-01-12 20:07:29 補充:
the last one should be "Don't take it out on me"
參考: me

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