
2007-01-13 12:47 am
thank you very much

回答 (6)

2007-01-13 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
靚=beautiful, pretty
迷人=chaming, attractive
笑容甜=nice, sweet
聲好聽=beautiful / nice voice

The girl has beautiful eyes, chaming face, sweet smiley, slim body and nice voice.
2007-01-13 7:43 pm
She has pretty & charming eyes, sweet smiles & voices, tremandous figure
參考: SELF
2007-01-13 2:52 am
笑容甜=nice, sweet
2007-01-13 1:20 am
A female eye very big dresses up enchantingly... The smiling face also is sweet.. The stature also is slender. A sound also is pleasant to hear

2007-01-12 17:24:33 補充:
kind 仁慈的beautiful /pretty 美麗的helpful 樂於助人的cheerful 興高采烈的good-temperedobedient 服從的patient 耐心的hard-working 勤力的honest 誠實的good-looking 樣子好看的loyal 忠誠的 clever /intelligent 聰明的, 有才智的
2007-01-13 1:11 am
You are Hot! Baby!

2007-01-12 17:32:08 補充:
haha, 其實一句妳好sweet 已經夠了
2007-01-13 1:04 am
You are beautiful veru much.
Your voice are great.
參考: 天宮菲芽

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