y he do that

2007-01-12 11:05 pm
i and my bf 快290日了...
one daywe 吵架, 我想分, 但他不想...
then he say: 我得5得到你誰也不會得到你, 不論任何手段...
if i leave him he will use sex to make me同him一起...
because he is the 1st one and he don't want the other make love with me...
but y he use these kind of method to 對待me?

回答 (3)

2007-01-13 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
妳是否想大家答 : 他很愛妳, 所以就算不擇手段也要把妳留下, 然後滿心歡喜, 再攜手踏出第 291 日, 繼續這種表面激情, 卻絕對壽命不長的所謂愛情 ?
怎樣用 sex 令妳再和他一起 ? 親熱照片 ( 違法的 ) ? 或 sex 是他的專長, 能令人眷戀不捨 ?
其實他如果真的愛妳, 應傾盡所愛, 疼惜妳、 保護妳, 而非自私地、 恐嚇、 威脅妳留下, 留得人, 也留不了心。 然而, 如他只是貪圖妳處子之身的潔淨及那份虛榮感, 則另當別論。
真要離開, 妳肯定會千方百計、 使盡渾身解數捨他而去, 屆時頭也不回, 茫茫人海中, 他才沒這等閒情去找已到手的 !
在第 365 天來臨之前, 理智地去剖析這段枕邊危情吧 !
2007-01-13 4:59 am
u ask him why he love you. if it is because of sex, then it is because of your looks, or if you are pretty or not. then u shud say "then you are just loving me because of my looks"

and then see what he say. if u think he is only going for your looks then ditch him.

see how good he is, and consider.
參考: memememememe
2007-01-12 11:09 pm

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