2007-01-12 8:54 pm
請問 XANICAL (去油丸) 係點樣食法?
飯前(幾耐前)?飯間?還是飯後 (隔幾耐)?

食 XANICAL 有冇副作用(除了排油)?

回答 (2)

2007-01-13 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Orlistat (奧利司他) 商品牌子名: Xenical (賽尼可)

藥理與效用: Orlistat(奧利司他)屬於減肥藥,能抑制胃部及胰臟所分泌的消化脂肪酵素,從而減少食物中脂肪的分解及減低其吸收,達致減肥效果。

常見副作用: 油脂大便、排便次數增加、腸胃氣脹、腹痛等。 注意事項: 由於整體脂肪吸收減少,脂溶性維他命(維他命A, D, E, K)之吸收也可能受影響。如果要服食維他命補充,須注意與此藥之服食時間最少分隔兩小時,或考慮在睡前服。

一般建議餐前、進餐時或餐後1小時內服用;如該餐食物不含脂肪則不需服用。 服藥者須同時遵照營養師的建議餐單進食,以有效控制熱量的吸收。
2007-01-12 9:05 pm
The recommended dose is one 120-mg capsule by mouth with liquid at each main meal that contains fat.Take XENICAL during meals or up to 1 hour after a meal. If you occasionally miss a meal or have a meal without fat, you can omit your dose of XENICAL. Doses above 120-mg three times daily have not been shown to provide an additional weight-loss benefit.
XENICAL interferes with your body's absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, when you use XENICAL, you should take a daily multivitamin supplement that contains vitamins D, E, and K and beta carotene. Take your multivitamin once a day at least 2 hours before or after taking XENICAL, such as at bedtime.

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