english group discussion skill

2007-01-12 8:02 pm
一去到另1個point就冇野講..唯有講i hv no idea in this point..
可能我有病...所以對依d oral真係好驚...

回答 (3)

2007-01-13 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實 discussion 嘅話題每每從「天、時、地理、人和、」著首想便可以想到一二。另外還有「錢、交通、科技」。

不用精,只須令人明白便足夠。會話不論是中、英、日、意、法...都用簡單句子,不會文皺皺。句子都只一兩句表達便可以。再加上同意他人嘅、喜歡他人意見呀...便有3句了。每個 point 都有 3 句已足夠。再多都無時間。
錢難找 difficult to get money 唔識 difficult 就用 not easy 囉。
露天場地受天氣影響 if it rains, then we can't do it 咁咪唔駛唸影響點講囉。
相反場地响室內 we can do it if it rains 咁又一句
除了 I agree with you 可以話 I like your idea / we think alike / that's right / you are right / that's a good idea / good idea ...
easy, difficult, happy, sad, good, bad, friendly, polite, nice, convenient 方便, troublesome 麻煩.不易處理, old, new, helpful, careless, careful, cool酷, interesting, boring, dangerous, important, sick, ready ...
2007-01-12 8:36 pm
You may try to read English newspapers for more points and topics to discuss.

When you have no more to say, you may transfer your discussion to others by saying, "What are your opinions?" or "Do you agree?"

There are some books introducing discussion especially those for HKCEE in many book shops. You can find out there.
參考: HKCEE Syllabus
2007-01-12 8:11 pm
Interview vs Group Discussion
Interview --- one to one, panel interview
Group Discussion
usually a group of 5-8 (from different universities, and different faculties)
Campus recruiters who used group discussion as a selection method in the final
round of selection in the past:
General Electric - IMLP
Heng Seng Bank - Management Trainee
John Swire & Sons - Mgt Trainee
Marks & Spencer - Mgt Trainee
MTRC - Operating Mgt Trainee
Standard Chartered Bank - Mgt trainee
Cathay Pacific Catering Services - Mgt Trainee
HKSAR - Administrative Officer
Formats of Group Discussion
unstructured group discussion
debate a topic
Case Study - discussion to reach consensus
Case Study - discussion with designated roles
Case Study - discussion to work out a plan or proposal
Skills / Attitude to be Assessed

1.planning skill
2.communication skill
5.decision-making skill

1. Planning Skill
Encourages team to take a structured approach in objective definition and
solution planning.

Shows ability in identifying problems --- Suggests solutions
Ensures that both the individual's and the group's time is managed well

2. Communication Skill
Express ideas clearly
Willingly speaks out and contributes
Handles conflict well either when directed at himself / herself or when conflict
arises between other team members

Shows tact and sensitivity towards others

Listens to others’ suggestions
Demonstrates an understanding of how others perceive the situation

3. Leadership
Even though another participant may have taken the lead, continues to
assert one's own views and may even take the lead if group begins to flounder

Encourages others to contribute to the discussion
Contributes to a good sense of team spirit
Expresses opinions/views that are accepted by others

4. Motivation
Shows energy, enthusiasm and drive in facing the task
Shows determination and commitment to achieving the best possible solution

Willing to stand his / her ground when he / she believes he / she is right

Shows a positive attitude to accepting a challenge
5. Decision-making Skill

Eager to see decisions taken

Sees the relevance of others’ contributions and promptly builds on these with a view to action

Ensures that in the end, some sound decision is taken
Please refer to the following books and video for further information on group discussion:

- How to succeed at an assessment centre
- Effective meeting skills
- How to hold better meetings
- The perfect meeting

Video-"Two whole days" by AGCAS

The DOs during group discussion
introduces new ideas
expresses ideas clearly and convincingly
encourages others to give opinions
listens before contributing
steps in and redirects the conversation when necessary

be sensitive to the feelings of others
The DONTs during group discussion
dominates the discussion by talking most of the time
strays from the subject
interrupts other contributors
keeps silent
be wishy-washy

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