
2007-01-12 7:02 pm
近日, 我覺得左耳好似有野塞住,但打呵欠後又通左, 之後過左一陣又塞番. 但聽力又好似沒有什麼大問題, 我想知道自己是否有耳鳴??可否有人幫我解答這條問題?? 謝謝!!

回答 (1)

2007-01-12 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have experienced such incident before. Finally, I consulted a doctor who gave me some medicine to drop into my ears for about 3 days. Then, he helped me to wash out a lot of dirt inside my ears. I did not believe my ears could hold such a large amount of dirt. Afterwards, I resumed normal.

You may consult a doctor first.
參考: My experience.

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