
2007-01-12 6:48 pm
We received a mail from your supplier Wah Sang Tong W00200100 disagreed the return stock cost and total involve amount $ 2.10

回答 (2)

2007-01-13 3:04 am
We received a mail from your supplier Wah Sang Tong W00200100 disagreed the return stock cost and total involve amount $ 2.10
我們得到一郵件從你供應者Wah唱歌湯W00200100 不同意股票費用和總數包含數量2.10 美元的返回
參考: lam_i_teng
2007-01-12 6:58 pm
我們從你的供應商Wah Sang Tong W00200100 所發的郵件得悉,他們不接受總數為
$ 2.10 的回倉費用。

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