BB就黎出世, 想買一部車代步, 點睇?

2007-01-12 5:56 pm
本人想買一部20000元以下的自動波汽車代步, 請問點睇?

回答 (3)

2007-01-17 12:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it is very depend on where you go.
If you go out on Sunday, than you can prefer driving a car.
If you go for short distance, you can take other transport.

For me, I have bb, if I use a car, than I can put my bb car, bb bag, milk bottle inside my car. Of course I prefer a small car.
2007-01-14 6:32 am
2007-01-12 6:55 pm

(1) 經常要走去停車場,好煩
(2) 搵位泊車,因為好多地方離停車場好遠,唔係真係咁方便。
(3) 成日行行下又返轉頭入錶,好煩同浪費時間
(4) 如果自己車,仲唔可以照顧BB, 如吐奶,哭,發脾氣等等
(5) 牌費,保障,維修,停車場費 (固定月祖+出街)
(6) 經常塞車,又唔可以落車自行。
(7) 費用好貴,貴過搭的士


希望幫到你 ^.^

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