
2007-01-12 5:42 pm

回答 (5)

2007-01-12 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有七成的航空事故都發生在起飛和降落的階段,故這些時段被認為危機較高. 在晚間,為讓地面人員更有效觀察起飛及降落中的飛機有否異常情況,航機都會關上大部份不必要的照明. 而保持較暗的光線會有助眼睛適應黑暗的環境,一旦發生事故時也會有較大的逃生能力. 另一方面,機上的燈光是來自引擎輸出的動力所產生的電,關上機艙的燈有助減少起飛時引擎的負荷.
2007-01-17 12:33 am
2007-01-13 3:09 am
1)日間航班: 熄哂D燈,靠窗窗嘅陽光,直先起飛程序完成先開哂啲燈。
2007-01-13 12:17 am
安全起見,防止 【 Afterimage 】及 【 Spatial Disorientation 】出現,釀成意外。

【 After Image 】:
『 An afterimage is an optical illusion that occurs after looking away from a direct gaze at an image.‧‧‧』

【 Spatial Disorientation 】:
『 Spatial disorientation is a condition in which an aircraft pilot's perception of direction (proprioception) does not agree with reality.‧‧‧』

【 Reduce Risk of Inducing Spatial DisorientationUsing Physiologically Compatible Ground Lighting 】:
『 Spatial disorientation that occurs while landing aircraft during night operation may result in accidents and fatalities which are often classified as secondary to “pilot error.” It has now beendetermined that the use of “expedient” lights, which includeflares, flashlights, automobile headlights, etc. can induce spatialdisorientation in pilots. The element that contributes to induction of spatial disorientation is the “point source of light” provided by these lights. Impingement on the retina of concentrated photonemissions, as supplied by incandescent (filament) lamps, flares,etc. Produces and “afterimage,” such as occurs when one brieflylooks into the sun. The “After image” is caused by the time lagrequired for reconstitution of the neurohumoral transmitter sub-stances in the retinal rods and cones. Pilots who develop “afterimages” during the final stage of landing a helicopter at night arepredisposed to experiencing spatial disorientation, leading to aircraft mishaps. In contrast to flares and incandescent lightsources, cold cathode lamps lack a “point source” of light emission, do not create a “afterimage”, and are ideal to use in nightlanding operations. Cold cathode lights operating in the range of 512nm (blue-green) are thought to be the most physiologicallyefficient color to use for night landing operation. Light sources inthe nanometer range provide maximum visibility and safety forthe pilot during landing operations under all environmental conditions.‧‧‧』

2007-01-12 5:58 pm


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