"Piece Of Work"?

2007-01-12 5:22 pm
Always hear the people say “piece of work”, but don’t know the meaning. Please teach me if anyone knows.

回答 (3)

2007-01-12 5:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Peace of work = 一份著作, 作品

通常 Piece Of Work 是沒什意思的, 但如加上:
A master piece of work = 一件精品
A sensational piece of work = 一件了不起的作品, 或著作.

2007-01-12 09:51:23 補充:
弟一句的 peace 是錯的, 應是 piece.
參考: SELF
2007-01-12 8:37 pm
piece of work=一份工,工作片斷
參考: ME
2007-01-12 5:29 pm
piece of work it mean---一份工作
when is:
pieces of work it mean----幾份工作

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