My 70 lbs lab just ate 23 peices of snack chocolate (resses and hersheys) with the foil on?

2007-01-12 3:33 am
What do I do? It happened about 15 minutes ago. I was told to pour hydro perox. down his throat to make him throw up. Please help!!

回答 (25)

2007-01-12 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is usually the dark chocolate, not milk chocolate that causes problems. Dark chocolate has chemicals that can affect the heart and kidneys. Do not induce vomiting without talking to your vet.
2007-01-12 3:39 am
Take him to the vet or 24 hour pet emergency clinic. You must have one in your city. Chocolate is poison to dogs. Don't listen to whomever told you to do that. I wouldn't want to be responsible for that.
2007-01-12 3:45 am
Labs, and other dogs too, love chocolate. My Lab once ate 6 dozen chocolate cookies! Watch your dog closely. At 70 lbs, even the foil may not hurt him. If he acts normal, watch for his next couple of poops. He should eliminate the foil. Chocolate is poison to dogs, but some can tolerate it better than others. He may even vomit everything up on his own. If you are not COMPLETELY satisfied your dog is fine and has eliminated all foil in the next day or two, take it in immediately. If it was my dog, I would at the very least call a well respected vet and get their advice. Tomorrow being Friday and vet visits being more expensive over weekends, I might be more inclined to take him in to see the vet tomorrow, anyway.
2007-01-12 3:44 am
Don't induce vomiting yet. How is the dog acting? Most likely..OK.?? My 75 lb Lab ate the same amount..For that weight, it should not be considered fatal. However, the dog should be monitored for the next 24 hrs..Will need to take many trips outside for sure! Good luck..If anything seems abnormal, call vet immediately!
2007-01-12 4:07 am
The culprit is a chemical called theobromine which is present in chocolate and which a dog cannot digest.

Milk chocolate (I assume that's what this is) has about 44-66 mg/oz of theobromine. So figure out how many ounces he ate, and multiply by 66. That will be the high figure because resses wouldn't be pure chocolate (has peanut butter). So you should be safe with that figure.

As long as you are under 200 mg/kg of your dogs body weight (200 mg of theobromine for every kilogram) you *should* be ok. So your dog weighs about 30 kg which means he can probably handle about 6000 mg of theobromine which is a heck of a lot of milk chocolate....

The danger is once you get into dark chocolate (450 mg/oz) and baker's chocolate (150-600 mg/oz).

The theobromine would stay in your dog's system for about 14-20 hours, so keep a close eye on him and if things start going weird, take him in. You can also call an emergency vet clinic for free, and they can give you more advice on what to do as well as tell you where they are located so you could take him in if necessary.

Please note that there are other complications (like if your dog is prone to epilepsy) that could make this all untrue. But chances are that you dont' need to spend $500 pumping his stomach. Just be careful not to leave the chocolate out anymore!!

and don't pour hydrogen peroxide down his throat... you have no idea what that could do
2007-01-15 2:11 am
My ex husband and I had a medium sized dog, much less than 75 lbs. He ate an entire 5 lb box of Christmas chocolate. That is a lot of stinkin' chocolate. He threw up once and had diarrhea for 2 days. He drank a lot of water on his own and he was fine. He lived to be 15 years old.

DO NOT USE PEROXIDE.... please do not do that.
參考: Been there.
2007-01-12 8:36 am
Vet go get the vet!
Chocolate are poisonous to dogs, it may die.I keep my chocolates far away from my dogs.
2007-01-12 3:59 am
chocolate for dogs can be letha the best thing to do isto call your vet and see what he suggest or take him personally you shouldnt try fix it yourself with the hydro perox until you have an ok from a vet you dont want to make things worse than it already is.
good luck
2007-01-12 3:41 am
Dont pour hydro peroxide down his is he acting? I would definatly get him to the vet ASAP cause thats really all you can do. It will make him sick with diahria or vommit. But if he has diahrria, give him some immodium..half a childs serving that tends to help...but just once. My aunts a vet and she reccomended that one time when my dog got into some chocolate. But you should take him to the vet. Good luck
2007-01-12 3:40 am
did you give him the hydrogen peroxide? if not do it, stop waiting on here to find out what else. the hydrogen peroxide will allow him to vomit up what's left in his stomach and not absorb it. while you're waiting for him to vomit call the er vet and ask them what to do. yes he's a big dog and he might be ok. but you never know which dog will have a deadly toxic reaction to chocolate, no matter how much. don't take the chance. give the hydrogen peroxide and call the er vet now!

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