我想問除左Windows Media Player...............

2007-01-12 7:17 am
除左Windows Media Player外.

或者MSN send 俾我.


http://www.winamp.com/ ↑都唔係免費既!!!!

回答 (4)

2007-01-12 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
你講那個叫 WinAmp Player,

WinAmp Player 可以係 http://www.winamp.com 免費download,


這是 Winamp Player 的 function:

Play many major video formats (NSV, WMV, MPG, etc.) with ease
Easily resize video playback using the 1x, 2x, and Maximize window buttons
Watch your favorite videos in Full Screen mode
Quick access to dozens of Internet TV stations created by users
Detach the video window from the main player


Winamp Main Window
Winamp 5 features our new Modern Skin that's easier to use and more powerful than ever
Easily access the Media Library (ML), Playlist Editor (PL), integrated Video or Visualizations (Video/Vis Drawer), or the EQ, Skin Options, and Color Themes (Config Drawer) from the Main Window
Includes over 50 color themes that suit nearly every mood or occasion!
Winamp 5 carries forward the unobtrusive "Window Shade"

Above: Main Window

Above: Window Shade Mode

Winamp Playlist Editor
Drag and drop media directly into a Playlist from Windows Explorer or the Media Library
Jump directly to an item within the list by double clicking it or selecting the item and press Enter
Sort Playlists by title, file name, or path and file name
Easily Open and Save Playlists from the Manage Playlist button

Winamp Library
Organize and find your favorite songs and videos in ONE place
Rip your favorite music CDs into AAC or MP3 (Ripping limited to 2x speeds for free users. MP3 encoding is only available in Winamp Pro)
Burn your favorite music compilations to CD (limited to 2x for free users)
Media Library "Views" allow you to easily create rule based lists of your media
Easily modify your music collections tags (Artist, Album, Song name, etc.)
Internet Radio and TV
Easily tune into user created Internet TV and Radio stations
Over 4000 Internet Radio stations and 40 Internet TV channels to choose from
Bookmark your favorite stations and channels for future access
Winamp Now Playing
View album art, artist biographies, discographies
Keep track of your favorite artists by browsing fan sites and news articles presented in the client
Easily buy your favorite CDs, memorabilia, or just sell your own

2007-01-18 13:25:06 補充:
WinAmp 是免費的,進入 www.winamp.com 後, click 紅字 "FREE Winamp 5.32 available now!" 再 click "Get Basic" (Free) 之後再click "Full" (三個都係免費) 如click "full" 後沒有file,看看: "The player ...not start, click here." click 紅字"click here". 完成.
2007-01-12 8:14 am
仲有real player 同 winamp(通常拎黎聽歌)
通常real plaer+埋window media player就大部份檔都可以睇到~~~~~
咁就要去下載一d解碼software 去幫你
real plaer : http://www.real.com/international/
解碼software : http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/KLite_Codec_Pack_Full/1094057842/3
參考: me
2007-01-12 7:24 am
2007-01-12 7:23 am
you can download it from this site

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