Question about Airbus

2007-01-12 6:41 am
係airbus 咁多款機裏面, 有邊d情況要CCQ呢?

eg: A330 ---> A320 係要CCQ
咁A300-600,A310,A318,A319,A320,A321,A330,A340,A380 之間邊d又要呢?

回答 (2)

2007-01-12 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
You will require a CCQ when you transfer between different family type in Airbus... Airbus fleet is being generally split into 4 different family...
1) A300/A310 is a family
2) A318/A319/A320/A321 are all under A320Family and developed from A320...
3) A330/A340 is a family and A330/A340 is developed together with only difference between 2 and 4 engine...
4) A380 is a sepirate airliner
So there are 4 different type within Airbus fleet... And a CCQ is required when you swip between aircraft family... However, when sometimes there is a Enhanced version of airliner in a family type, a short CCQ will be required just as to update some of the things that has been changed after the Enhancement...

2007-01-11 23:57:10 補充:
However, although A330/A340 is classifly as a single type, but a short CCQ will be required just for a quick update on the difference between A330/A340...

2007-01-11 23:59:44 補充:
And although Airbus is being split into 4 family type... But only a short CCQ is required between types as all Airbus cockpit are very similar... As some Airbus are more modern than others, a short CCQ is required just to update the pilots knowledge...
2007-01-12 7:53 am
so far 我知0既只係 320 family (318, 319, 320, 321) 係用同一個 type rating 0既
而其他 model 都有自己 rating,所以都係要 CCQ
even 330 ---> 340 都要 CCQ,不過係幾日貨仔
340 去 330 仲快,一日攪掂
參考: 自己

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