Hotel Management

2007-01-12 5:46 am
本人是F.6 student. Take phy, chem and bio( all AL).
未來想到瑞士讀酒店管理的學士學位,請問accounting 和econ是不是必須的?
若果在暑假期間去學accout, 會不會算做bonus point gar?

p.s. From parents' comments, they said it's better to take BBA or some 範圍比較廣的商科學位, 然后再去讀Hotel's碩士學位, they said it's safer than take a risk in having 純Hotel Management wor. Are there any comments or suggestions for this thought?

回答 (1)

2007-01-12 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Taking accounting and econ beforehand is not needed. I studied hotel managment at swiss after completing f.5. Of course, if you have the basic knowledge of these subjects, you will learn in a much easier way. As the course will start from very fundamental concepts of the subjects, therefore I think you need not worry much. Also you will only learn the advanced level when you progress to another semester.

For the entry requirement, you may check on the website of the school. Usually you will need to submit youur transcripts, your IELTS result, motivation letter explaining why you are interested in hospitality, etc.

As for your parents suggestions, I think it really depends if you have a strong interest in the hospitality field. Do you have a strong desire that you will only work in hotel after graduation? At this stage, do you understand much about the industry, the work nature etc? I would suggest you to get more information for it before making the study decision. Not because holding a degree, then one can start with managment position. HK hotel industry has a strong emphasis on expereince, and most managment start with entry level as bell, receptionist. Can you make yourself accept it? As a graduate, are you willing to serve the others and work on shift?

If yes, I would suggest you to take the hospitality degree because it will be hard to enter the industry with BBA. A BBA student will not have in-depth knowledge of hotel operation, and it takes time and money to train a green leaf. While the supply of hotel graduates are plenty (courses offered by other institutions, besides Poly & CU), BBA students may find it difficult to get a job in the industry.

As for the master issue, I think it will be more worthwhile to invest in a MBA instead, because it will widen your horizon in different managment aspects which are not only applied to the hotel industry. Also, you will gain substantial inspiration from your classmates who work in different industries and build up your network. This together with your hotel experience, I think it will add more value to your hospitality career.

Hope my suggestion can help you and good luck~
參考: Personal experience as a Swiss hotel management graduate

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