Adjectives~~~  急!!!!

2007-01-12 3:20 am
1. It's+adjective+for person+to-infinitive
2. It's+adjective+that
3. It's+adjective+of+noun+pronoun+to-infinitive

仲有幾時用It's同It was??
係5係past tense 就一定要係adjective既句子用It was??

回答 (1)

2007-01-12 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
俾 d 例句先啦....
1. it's important for you to feed the fish
2. it's important that you feed the fish
3. it's responsible of you to feed the fish

分別 o係邊呢.....
第 1, 2 句, 用 gei adjective 係一樣的, 而呢個 adjective 係形容緊件事而唔係個人.... (例如 'important' 係形容緊 'feed the fish', 而唔係 'you')
留意返第一句 'you' (或者任何人名 or pronoun) 之後係用 to-infinitive, 第二句 that 之後要用 noun/pronoun, 而 noun/pronoun 之後係用 bare infinitive

第 3 句同前面 2 句唔同, 因為 in this case (用 of 唔用 for), 個 adjective 係形容緊個人而唔係件事 ('responsible' 係形容緊 'you' 而唔係 'feed the fish')

冇錯, past tense 就用 it was~

俾多個例句啦, 希望易 d 明....

it's unnecessary for you to pick me up at the bus stop ('去巴士站接我' 呢件事係唔需要的, 而唔係 '你' 係唔需要的)
it's unnecessary that you pick me up at the bus stop (同上)
it's kind of you to pick me up at the bus stop ('你' 好好人, 而唔係 '去巴士站接我' 呢件事好好人)

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