急要海頓生平 知道既請入

2007-01-12 12:58 am

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2007-01-12 1:02 am
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出生於奧地利東部的小村莊羅勞 , 在家裡十二個孩子中排行第二 . 海頓從小就顯露出音樂天份 , 他有一位親戚法朗克是合唱團指揮 , 所以海頓的父親就在他 6 歲時將海頓交給法朗克扶養並且教他音樂 . 法朗克教授了海頓不少音樂的基本知識 , 也教海頓演奏小提琴和大鍵琴 .

兩年後海頓的才華被維也納聖史蒂芬教堂的樂長呂特注意到 , 在呂特的建議下海頓到維也納加入聖史蒂芬教堂的合唱團 , 一邊接受音樂教育一邊在教堂獻唱 , 一直到他 17 歲變聲後才被迫離開 .

離開合唱團後 , 海頓以教授私人學生及為人拉奏小提琴勉強維生 , 同時也利用閒暇努力鑽研作曲 . 有一次海頓所寫的一首彌撒曲受到音樂界的注意 , 他開始得到一些作曲的邀約 , 不久又被聘擔任一個望族的家庭音樂教師 , 經濟情況因此大為改善 .

1759 年海頓受邀出任莫爾辛伯爵在波希米亞私人樂團的指揮 , 可以更安心自在地從事作曲 , 他的作曲技巧在這時也日益成熟 , 在 27 歲時完成了第一首交響曲 .

1760 年海頓娶了長他 3 歲的安娜為妻 , 安娜非常自私而且對於丈夫的音樂事業毫不關心 , 婚後不久海頓就發覺這門婚事是個錯誤 , 他曾憤怒地說 : 不論她的丈夫是鞋匠或是藝術家 , 對她全無差別 . 安娜甚至時常將海頓的譜稿拿去做捲髮紙 . 海頓和安娜不斷爭吵 , 幾年後他們終於協議分居 , 不過海頓終其一生還是得按時付給贍養費 .這婚姻是他一生中一件十分後悔的事。

1761 年是海頓生命中相當重要的一年 . 因為莫爾辛伯爵經濟惡化不得不解散樂團 . 這時艾森斯達特的保羅 . 艾斯特哈吉王子邀請海頓出任王府樂團的副樂長 , 5 年後升任樂長 , 此後 25 年 , 海頓一直擔任這個職務 .

艾斯特哈吉富有而旦熱愛音樂 , 海頓除了要訓練及指揮樂團外 , 有時也親自擔任室內樂演奏 . 除此之外海頓也必須不斷寫作樂曲以應付演出 , 在艾斯特哈吉王府服務期間 , 他完成了數量龐大的各式作品 , 總計包括 5 部彌撒 , 11 齣歌劇 , 60 餘首交響曲 , 40 多首弦樂四重奏 , 30 餘首鋼琴奏鳴曲以及其它的樂曲 .

1790 年艾斯特哈吉的尼古拉王子去世 , 後繼者解散了樂團 , 海頓雖然仍可支領薪水 , 但因無事可做 , 便離開王府前往維也納 . 不久小提琴家沙羅蒙邀請海頓到倫敦舉行演奏會 , 海頓於 1791 年元月抵達倫敦 , 發表了六首新的交響曲 , 音樂會也受到熱烈歡迎 , 牛津大學更因海頓的傑出成就 , 頒贈他音樂博士學位 .

海頓在倫敦停留了一年半後返回維也納 , 1794 年他再度訪問英國 , 又發表了六首新的交響曲 , 受到比上次更熱烈的歡迎 , 海頓名揚英國 , 也讓奧國同胞與有榮焉 . 海頓前後兩次造訪英國 , 一共發表了十二首交響曲 , 這些交響曲一般被統稱為 " 羅蒙交響曲 " 或 " 倫敦交響曲 " , 是海頓交響曲中的傑作 .

海頓此時已成了奧國最具代表性的偉大作曲家 , 他的作品不但經常被人演奏 , 奧國政府還在海頓的誕生地塑立了一座胸像 , 而 1797 年奧皇法蘭茲二世誕辰時海頓更受邀創作了奧國的國歌 .

海頓晚年轉向創作聲樂作品 , 他先後發表了 " 創世紀 " 及 " 四季 " 這兩部偉大的神劇 , 再一次向世人顯示他崇高的音樂境界 . 1803 年之後海頓的健康大為衰退 , 1809 年因病逝世於維也納 .

海頓在音樂藝術上的最大成就在於交響曲和弦樂四重奏的創作 , 這也是他影響後世最主要的兩種音樂形式 . 弦樂四重奏是海頓表達個人情感最自然的形式 , 至於交響曲方面,經由海頓的精心設計 , 在各種樂器的音色配合與對比以及整體表現上 , 比起同時期其他作曲家的交響曲顯得更加豐富 , 也更具有優雅洗鍊的效果 .他的另最大成就之一就是把交響樂定形。

2007-01-12 1:08 am
Joseph Haydn was born in the Austrian village of Rohrau near the Hungarian border. His father was Matthias Haydn, a wheelwright who also served as "Marktrichter", an office akin to village mayor. Haydn's mother, the former Maria Koller, had previously worked as a cook in the palace of Count Harrach, the presiding aristocrat of Rohrau. ....................

Struggles as a freelancer
In 1749, Haydn had matured physically to the point that he was no longer able to sing high choral parts. On a weak pretext, he was summarily dismissed from his job. He evidently spent one night homeless on a park bench, but was taken in by friends and began to pursue a career as a freelance musician. .............

View of Eszterháza
As a liveried servant of the Eszterházys, Haydn followed them as they moved among their three main residences: the family seat in Eisenstadt, their winter palace in Vienna, and Eszterháza, a grand new palace built in rural Hungary in the 1760s. Haydn had a huge range of responsibilities, including composition, running the orchestra, playing chamber music for and with his patrons, and eventually the mounting of operatic productions. Despite the backbreaking workload, Haydn considered himself fortunate to have his job.[citation needed] The Eszterházy princes (first Paul Anton, then most importantly Nikolaus I) were musical connoisseurs who appreciated his work and gave him the conditions needed for his artistic development, including daily access to his own small orchestra.


Friendship with Mozart
Around 1781 Haydn established a friendship with Mozart, whose work he had already been influencing by example for many years. ....................

Friendship with Maria Anna von Genzinger
In 1789, Haydn developed another friendship with Maria Anna von Genzinger (1750–93), the wife of Prince Nicolaus's personal physician in Vienna. ...............

The London journeys
In 1790, Prince Nikolaus died and was succeeded by a thoroughly unmusical prince who dismissed the entire musical establishment and put Haydn on a pension. Thus freed of his obligations, Haydn was able to accept a lucrative offer from Johann Peter Salomon, a German impresario, to visit England and conduct new symphonies with a large orchestra.


Final years in Vienna
Haydn actually considered becoming an English citizen and settling permanently, as composers such as Handel had before him, but decided on a different course.[citation needed] He returned to Vienna, had a large house built for himself, and turned to the composition of large religious works for chorus and orchestra. ............

Haydn died at the end of May, 1809, shortly after an attack on Vienna by the French army under Napoleon. Among his last words was his attempt to calm and reassure his servants when a cannon shot fell on the neighborhood.

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