how can I earn a lot of money in runescape?? (((急)))

2007-01-12 12:30 am
how can I earn a lot of money in runescape??
i am a [free server]

回答 (6)

2007-01-21 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I usually fish lobsters for money... Remember, raw lobster can earn much more money. If you sell cooked lobsters, first, it won't be too much more expensive than raw lobsters in world 1, second, the lobster will burnt! I use to fish a lot of lobsters (like 1k) and sell them RAW in world 1 like 230ea. In that case, I might can get like 1.5M in a month. But the problem is just you need lvl40 fishing and FISHING NON-STOP FOR THE WHOLE MONTH IS BORING......

If you done dragon slayer, getting a lot of anti-dragon shield from Duke of Lumbridge is also not a bad choice. But you will have to drop the anti-dragon shield(s) before you obtain another one (can't even store them in the bank). Just get all the anti-dragon shields in note and get anti-dragon shields from Duke of Lumbridge. Once again, it takes a lot of work and it's SUPER BORING. Anti-dragon shield aren't very easy to sell'em either. But if your luck is good, some people might buy anti-dragon shields about 1k each...

Hope I can help you.
E-mail me ([email protected]) if you want some more information.

P.S. Combat 63... What's all your combat stats (atk, def, str, hp, pray, mage, range)? If you have a high strength (hit a lot)/ mage (fire blast)/ range (hit some kind of a lot/ range hits quite fast), you might like to go pk (Player-Killing).

2007-01-21 11:30:54 補充:
You will get report by someone if you use macroing by rule 7 (Macroing) anyway... Don't ever use macroing.
2008-09-08 4:06 am
you can click the website it help you. and
2007-01-20 2:02 am
去kill hill giant
拾big bones and limpwurt root
去world 1,3,4賣
big bones 350+gp,limps 500+gp萬賣
一個禮拜can get 200k!!!
2007-01-12 1:44 pm
Go to a drop party then get good stuffs so you can sell it for money

or smithing and sell swordies.
參考: me,,
2007-01-12 2:36 am
你幾多 combat ??

打 hill giant sell big bones and limps

woodcutting, mining 都可以好快賺到錢...
參考: me~!! →
2007-01-12 12:43 am
Kill guards + sell things ( Fallock is the best)

My idea No Copying
參考: Myeslf

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