煩請幫忙. 有grammer 唔明呀! 急救我啦!

2007-01-12 12:09 am
第5 . 6 唔明點解要用 sleeping and barking 而唔係用 slept and barked嘅. 唔該清楚咁話我知ar.(因我是小學生) 勞煩大家.

Sandy is a kind girl. She 1. likes(like) to help other people. Yesterday morning . She 2. went(go) for a walk in the park. She saw 3.(see) an old man . He 4.had(have) a small dog with him.

That old man 5.sleeping (sleep) and his dog 6.barking(bark) , thought Sandy. She 7. walked(walk) over to the old man and touched him on the arm....

回答 (5)

2007-01-12 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sleeping/barking 照道理要有一個 was 係前面。


Sandy thought that the old man was sleeping.
Sandy 想那個老男人正在睡覺。


"That old man sleeping and his dog barking, thought Sandy."

成句好有問題。完全唔明佢想表達 d 乜。

順帶一提,動詞 + ing 好多時都係 Present/Past continuous tense。


例如︰ I like swimming. 我喜歡游泳。Swimming 係呢到就變成一個名詞。(Gerund)

2007-01-11 16:23:19 補充:
再提︰Present/Past continuous tensePresnt: 一定係 is/am/are V ing例如 We are studying.Past: 一定係 was/were V ing例如 The old man was sleeping.
2007-01-12 11:43 pm
Because the old man and the dog was sleeping and barking when Sandy saw them, so you should use past continuous tense.
2007-01-12 12:18 am
因為文章o既意思係講果個男人(old man)係訓"緊"覺...
同埋佢隻狗(his dog)係吠"緊"當Sandy經過果陣(thought Sandy)^ . ^//
2007-01-12 12:17 am
因為當sandy走過的時候,that old man正在瞓緊覺,而同一時間佢隻狗正在吠緊,係用緊past continuous tense,所以係sleeping & barking而唔係slept & barked...希望你明la.....
2007-01-12 12:17 am
They are continous tense because the old man and the dog are doing this action at that time which you are saying. Their action are happening at that moment!

2007-01-15 18:15:43 補充:
I think that there has miss a 'was/were'. sometimes, you need to add was/were yourself and make the sentance complete. If there isn't has was/were, the grammer is wrong

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