急~~~ 比較 War Communism 和 New Economy Policy. (F3) 10Points

2007-01-12 12:04 am
比較 War Communism 和 New Economy Policy. (F3)
最好英文. 100字以上.

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2007-01-12 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
The New Economic Policy (NEP; in Russian Новая экономическая политика - Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika or НЭП) was officially decided in the course of the 10th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It was promulgated by decree on March 21, 1921, "On the Replacement of Foodstuff and Natural Resource Assessment by a Natural Tax." In essence, the decree required the farmers to give the government a specified amount of raw agricultural product as a tax in kind [1]. Further decrees refined the policy and expanded it to include some industries, which replaced prodrazvyorstka, which amounted to requisition of all surplus agricultural product for a fixed price.

War communism or wartime communism (1918 - 1921) was the economic policy adopted by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War with the aim of keeping towns and the Red Army supplied with weapons and food, in conditions when all normal economic mechanisms and relations were being destroyed by the war. "War communism", which began in June 1918, was enforced by the Supreme Economic Council, known as the Vesenkha. It ended on March 21, 1921 with the beginning of the NEP (New Economic Policy) which lasted until 1930.
參考: wikipedia

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