
2007-01-11 11:13 pm
在每題的( )選出正確的
Q1. I usually (eat / ate / eaten) congee for breakfast.
Q2. The Earth (travels / traveled / go) around the sun.
Q3. On Sunday mornings I like to (sleep / slept / sleeping) late.
Q4. Caterpillars (change / move / changing) into butterflies.
Q5. Summer (was / are / is) before Autumn.
Q6. Smoking (are / is / were) bad for your health.
Q7. (Seek / Seeking / Looked) and you will find.
Q8. Cats (chases / chase / chase)r mice.

回答 (3)

2007-01-11 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. eat
2. travels
3. sleep
4. change
5. is
6. is
7. Seek
8. chase

2007-01-11 15:24:18 補充:
上面o個位... earth 唔係眾數, 而且只係得一個earth 所以應該要用有s o既travels
2007-01-11 11:32 pm
Q1. I usually eatcongee for breakfast.
Q2. The Earth goaround the sun.
Q3. On Sunday mornings I like to sleep late.
Q4. Caterpillars changeinto butterflies.
Q5. Summer is before Autumn.
Q6. Smoking is bad for your health.
Q7.Seek and you will find.
Q8. Cats chaser mice.
2007-01-11 11:18 pm
Q1. eat
Q2. go
Q3. sleep
Q4. change
Q5. is
Q6. is
Q7. seek
Q8. chase

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