cream cheese有冇益?

2007-01-11 10:45 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-18 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cream cheese 真係唔多有益喇. 少吃為妙.
Per 100:
349 cal
Fat: 35 g
Cholesterol 110 mg 37% (% Daily Value)
Vitamin A 1346 IU 27% (%DV)
Vitamin K 2.9 mg 4% (%DV)
Riboflavin 0.2 mg 12% (%DV)
Folate 13.0 mcg 3% (%DV)
Vitamin B12 0.4 mcg 7% (%DV)
Calcium 80.0 mg 8% (%DV)
Phosphorus 104 mg 10% (%DV)
Sodium 296 mg 12% (%DV)
Zinc 0.5 mg 4% (%DV)

幾乎所有熱量都係黎自飽和脂肪. 所以無論大人細路都唔應該多吃

u can check this for a more detailed nutrition break-down:
(*change serving size to 100grams)

2007-01-11 10:56 am
cream cheese is not so good for kids' healthy.

they shouldn't eat it all the time. and only can eat a little each time, can't eat much.

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