another question

2007-01-11 8:45 am
"They need to wash their faces before going to bed."
"They need to wash their face before going to bed."
Which one is right ?

"They need to bring their book to the lesson."
"They need to bring their books to the lesson."
咁佢地要咁多個人帶一本書, 又點寫?
咁佢地要每人帶一本書, 又點寫?
咁佢地要每人帶幾本書, 又點寫?

回答 (5)

2007-01-11 9:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
"They need to wash their faces before going to bed." is the right one.

咁佢地要咁多個人帶一本書, 又點寫?
They need to bring a book to the lesson.
They need to bring the book to the lesson.
如果想突出 "一本書係屬於佢o地o既書"
They need to bring a/the book of theirs to the lesson.
They need to bring a/the book which belongs to them to the lesson.
*a/the 分別係有冇指明係邊一本書.
用a/the, 分別就會好大.
用a, 即係你o係果堆成班人一齊擁有o既書入面求其揀一本就得;
用the, 即係指明要某一本.

咁佢地要每人帶一本書, 又點寫?
They need to bring their books to the lesson.
如果想突出 "每一個人"
Each of them need to bring one/a/his book to the lesson.

咁佢地要每人帶幾本書, 又點寫?
They need to being their books to the lesson.
如果想突出 "每人帶幾本書"
Each of them need to bring a few books to the lesson.
如果突出 "每人帶幾本屬於自己o既書"
Each of them need to bring a few books of theirs to the lesson.

參考: 自己
2007-01-16 12:24 am
two way communication...=.=
2007-01-11 6:05 pm
"They need to wash their faces before going to bed." is correct and the other is wrong, because they, altogether, have more than one face to wash, so we have to use plural.
咁佢地要咁多個人帶一本書, 又點寫? Altogether, they have to bring one book.
咁佢地要每人帶一本書, 又點寫? Each of them have to bring one book.
咁佢地要每人帶幾本書, 又點寫? Each of them have to bring a few books.
參考: me
2007-01-11 10:42 am
- Correct
"They need to wash their faces before going to bed."- Correct
"They need to wash their face before going to bed." - not Correct

"They need to bring their book to the lesson."."- not Correct
"They need to bring their books to the lesson"."- Correct
1.咁佢地要咁多個人帶一本書, 又點寫?
2.咁佢地要每人帶一本書, 又點寫?
3.咁佢地要每人帶幾本書, 又點寫?
1.Need one more poeple bring one mory book.
2. Everyone bring one book.
3.How many books did they need to bring?
2007-01-11 8:50 am
"They need to wash their faces before going to bed." - Correct
"They need to bring their books to the lesson." - Correct

咁多個人帶一本書, 又點寫?
They need to bring the (or that) book together to the lesson.

每人帶一本書, 又點寫?
Each of them needs to bring a book to the lesson.

每人帶幾本書, 又點寫?
Each of them needs to bring some books to the lesson.

2007-01-11 11:37:37 補充:
>> 佢地需要帶佢地果一本書上 lessonThey need to bring their books to the lesson 已經可以如果你要強調每人一本不可以多,你可以說 They need to bring their books to the lesson and everyone should bring only one book.

2007-01-11 11:39:09 補充:
以下的網友,Each of them 是第三身單數,要用 needs / has 的。

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