
2007-01-11 8:28 am

但點解我係街買返黎果d magnet, 兩邊都痴到落雪櫃??

同埋, 如果我將一條原本有兩極既magnet切開一半
係唔係我切成幾細 , 果粒都有兩極???

回答 (2)

2007-01-11 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your refrigerator is NOT a magnet. The casing of the regrigerator is made of iron, which is a ferromagnetic substance that can be attracted by permanent magnets through the process of induced magnetism.

When you cut a permanent magnet into small pieces, each of which will become a permanent magnet that has two poles. A magnet is due to the presence of atomic magnetic dipoles that aligned in an order manner inside the substance. Hence, unless you could cut the piece into such a scale smaller than the size of an atom (which is physically quite impossible using appliance in daily life), the cut piece will still behave like a permanent magnet.
2007-01-11 9:20 pm

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