
2007-01-11 8:06 am
我之前將d檔案加密左,但係重裝windows前唔記得解密返,就咁將佢放左係分割區,而剷完機重灌之後,我想開返d file,佢鎖死左佢,我諗應該個驗證key唔同左,或者使用者唔同左,所以佢唔比我解密,就算我想刪除佢個加密都唔得。

各位可唔可以幫下我呀!有無方法可以解密返d野,d file對我好重要,好驚無晒……

回答 (1)

2007-01-13 12:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我之前也跟你有同樣的情形, 一樣唔記得解密返,就咁將佢放左係分割區.

用這個方法: (我用 English Windows XP, so the terms are in English, 自己中英對照)
1. click "start"
2. choose "All Porgrams" -> "Accessories" - > "System Tools" - > "Backup"
3. click "Next"
4. click "Back up files and settings" - > "Next"
5. click the last term "Let me choose what to back up" - > "Next"
6. choose the folder that you have 加密 (have to choose the whole folder, not just files) - > "Next"
7. choose a place to save your backup - > then type a name for your backup folder - > "Next"
8. click "Advenced..." -> select the type of backup: choose "Copy" -> "Next"
9. click "Verify data after backup" - > "Next"
10. click "Append this backup to the existing backups" - > "Next"
11. click "Now" - > "Next" - > "Finish"

Back up 完之後:
1. click "start"
2. choose "All Porgrams" -> "Accessories" - > "System Tools" - > "Backup"
3. click "Next"
4. click "Restore files and setting" - > "Next"
5. in "Item to restore" click the hard disk - > "Next" - > "Advanced..."
6. in "Restore files to:" choose "Alternate Location", then choose the location that you like to restore (don't choose "Original Location") - > "Next"
7. chick "Leave existing files (Recommended)" - > "Next"
8. unclick "Restore security settings", click "Preserve existing volume mount points" - > "Next" - > "Finish"

這個方法可以找回及獲得鎖死的 files, 將 d files copy 及放在另外的 location (沒有加密).
但是原本加密左 d files 的 location 仍然鎖死.
如果你的分割區空間充足, 暫時可以不用理會 d 鎖死的 files.
參考: 我自己

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