my fren hv pregnant 5 weeks but d baby没心跳,这是正常吗?

2007-01-11 6:04 am
my fren hv pregnant 5 weeks but d baby没心跳,这是正常吗?doctor said it need wait another 2 weeks but my fren start lost confident.

anyone can let me know is it normal cause i have read a lot information it said in 8 weeks that baby start got heart beating,how about 5 weeks?

your help is very appreciated.

i need it urgently..

thank you.


回答 (3)

2007-01-11 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most book mentioned that we can see baby's haert beat at 5-6 weeks. I could't see my baby's heart beat at 7week but at 8 week, I can see it. So ask your friend not to worry so much.

Just relax and listen to doctor's recommendation.
2007-01-11 6:09 am
i don’t you say what
2007-01-11 6:07 am
是!Because he has 生命~

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