University of South Australia

2007-01-11 5:33 am
我想問下e一間u係點, 好唔好, 同埋多唔多香港人?

回答 (2)

2007-01-11 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
This uni is very famouns for Accounting, Marketing, MIS, I.T., Nursing, and Wine Marketing. Only this uni provide the Wine Marketing degree.

University of South Australia (UniSA) is a fast expanding uni in Australia. This is founded uni from Year 1991. This uni was combined by lots of techology institution in South Australia. The City East campus was the olders campus and was South Austrlia Techology Institution.

Since from Year 2002 2nd semester, there was become more and more Asian in Business School (City West Campus) and Science and Techology School (Mansion Lake Campus). The school fee is cheaper than lots of uni in Australia. You no need to worry about 香港人. Most overseas students in Adelaide are Chinese, Malaysian and Singapore ppl.

Those tutors and lectures are very nice and friendly. Of course with good education background, working experience and textbook authors. My Cost Management System lecture is Vice-president of CIMA and other branch president of CPA Australia. Before I did this course, I read lots of her research reports. Also, my degree director is working in ICAA other breach in NSW now. The security of this uni at night is much better than other uni. The security guards are very very very friend. Well, I miss the postman in the City West Campus post office too. The student association has very good services and second hand books selling. Even has condom provide, which encourage for save sex and provid AIDS and STD.

This uni always has lots of new course in every year and semester. This uni does not long history, thus cannot have good reputation for all "old fashion uni" in Australia. However, if you are studying business in Australia, better try non-traditional uni (such as UniSA and Curtin). Business course are looking forward subject and need creative thinking.

Adelaide is a very well-plan city with low living standard. Clean and nice. Has night life in there too. Never get boring in there.

2007-01-10 23:53:24 補充:
This uni has very good services for overseas students.
2007-01-11 6:00 am
Uni SA 係南澳省知名的大學, 在過去數年都是十大最佳澳洲學府(本科)之一, 名氣雖然不及港人所熟識的三大澳洲城市, 但總算不過不失.

個度的香港人不算太多, 反而來自中國和韓國的留學生卻不少. 我並沒有在那兒唸大學, 但因工作關係, 去過他們所辦的講座並住過兩星期, 多地的學生和市民對人都相當友善, 過去發生排華的事件很少, 反而反亞裔的就曾經發生過, 但只是少規模.

生活方面, 非常簡樸, 夜生活欠奉, 晚上九時過後猶如死城一般. 但如果你係生性的話, 不失為一個讀書的好地方.

2007-01-10 22:03:43 補充:
我在那兒都認識了一些當地的朋友, 他們當時還是學生, 現在都已經畢業了, 他們的知識水平不錯
參考: 親身經歷

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