
2007-01-11 5:08 am
如果傷過一次十字韌帶之後容易再傷的話 有什麼保護的方法和有什麼治療的方法
如果現在是第四次傷的話 會容易有什麼後遺症

回答 (3)

2007-01-11 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
depends how each time injured
did u have surgery to repair/ reconstruct it before
which ligament u actually injured
(there is the anterior - ie front - and posterior - ie back - cruciate ligaments)

other than instability
meniscus or even the cartilage can be damaged during each injury
early degeneration - in terms of knee pain is commonly seen if left untreated
esp you have multiple re-injury

PROTECTION - rarely useful if no operation done
protection can be by a brace - personal experience and current literature believe that is not much help though
physiotherapy that trains balance and position sensing may help

1) need to determine the extent of injury - usually the orthopedic doctor will suggest a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the injured knee
2) depends on the structure injured

mainstay of treatment is still operation to reconstruct the cruciate ligament with appropriate physiotherapy afterwards
operation can use the tendon with part of the bone at the knee cap or just the tendon at inner side of thigh to put back to the position of the injured ligament
nowadays most surgeons in HK will use small wounds (keyhole surgery) to go into the knee
with the exception that the wound to take the tendon from knee cap is still quite long
Physiotherapy post operation is VERY important if not more important than the surgery itself

depends on symptoms and demands of the person
more likely will adopt conservative management - ie no surgery
operation only for very symptomatic or high demand people

will need other definitive treatment

hope can help u understand more
參考: working exp
2007-01-11 7:37 pm
第四次受傷, 很容易便會引起膝關節的腿化問題。你是玩甚麼運動架?點解會傷都咁?

嗯, 我由讀書學過, 處理方面一定自己錫住囉, 仲有就係睇物理治療啦
2007-01-11 6:55 am
記得有個 跑渣打馬拉松的 物理治療師 是已經斷了十字韌帶嗎! 這是極端例子, 不要學.
最重要是適合地train up 腿部肌肉力量, 這樣可以取代部份十字韌帶功能, 以及保護膝部. 但亦要避免劇烈運動, 及 膝部負苛量大的動作.

本人十字韌帶裂了, 半月板亦裂了. 行路都有問題, 醫生說要做手術.

我自已摸了2年, 發覺習意拳站樁效果最好.

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