
2007-01-11 4:57 am
有無 NO3CO3 or CO3NO3 ?

NO3 溶於水嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-01-11 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cannot find NO3 but can only find N2O3
Dinitrogen trioxide


The chemical compound dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) is a pale blue liquid from the group of nitrogen oxides.
Dinitrogen trioxide is produced by mixing equal parts of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and cooling the mixture below −21°C (−6°F). The gases react, forming the blue liquid N2O3. Dinitrogen trioxide is only stable in the liquid and solid phases, and decomposes back to NO and NO2 when heated above 3°C.

Carbon trioxide


Tricarbon oxide is an unstable product of reactions between carbon dioxide, CO2, and atomic oxygen, O.[1] It has also been detected in reactions between carbon monoxide, CO, and molecular oxygen, O2. Among other places it has been shown to be created in the drift zone of a negative corona discharge.[2] This pathway arises from reactions between carbon dioxide and atomic oxygen ions, created from molecular oxygen by free electrons in the plasma.
Three possible isomers of carbon trioxide exist, denoted Cs, D3h, and C2v. The C2v state has been shown by various studies to be the ground state of the molecule.[3]
I hope I can help you.

2007-01-11 21:13:30 補充:
cannot find.....
2007-01-11 6:51 am
i think it is no

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