Metal oxide

2007-01-11 4:17 am
Why metal oxide dissolve in water will form a slightly alkaline solution although it is insoluble in water?

I mean, will some metal oxide ,which is completely insouble in the water , such as MgO , form a slightly alkaline solution after you put it in a glass of water?

回答 (2)

2007-01-11 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is because when the metal oxide reacts with water,hydroxide ions (OH-) has formed,so it will form a slightly alkaline solution,although that chemical is slightly soluable,like Calcium Hydroxide {Ca(OH)2}
2007-01-11 5:40 am
What do you mean by an insoluble metal oxide dissolve in water .......
How can an insoluble metal oxide dissolve in water? can you give an example?

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