我想問如果city associate (general management)得2.38可以點??

2007-01-11 4:05 am
我想問如果city associate (general management)得2.38可以點??不過,未考番elc wor!!
yr 1 sem a 係1.92
sem b 係2.35
但year 2 有3.11
如果而今有半年保險工作經驗,一年catering 經驗,有經理recommend letter,professor recommend letter ,oversea top up 可以ok la?part time degree ,ok ma???

回答 (2)

2007-01-11 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以ok 的, 可以試下的.

recommend letter,professor recommend letter 可以增加入學的機會.....
oversea top up and part time degree is not very care about the GPA, they care the others things also.. or more...
<< my friends told me ....
參考: my friends and the talk by my school..
2007-01-12 11:08 am
You can try some of the 4-year universities in the United States. The United States is a good place for you to finish a bachelor's degree program in business and management because of the booming economy and of the global leading role in the business arena of the country. The completion of the associate degree at CityU will allow you to enter the third (junior) year in an American university. All credit units earned at CityU are recognized and transferrable to an institution in the US. It will probably take you two years or less to finish your bachelor's degree studies in the United States.

You should start now by collecting information about some of the American universities that may interest you. The internet and the university websites are ideal sources of information. In general, you need to take the TOEFL test and to have score reports sent directly to the universities. Applications for admission can now be filed online, and you need to request official transcripts be sent directly from CityU to the US universities. Letters of recommendations will give you a competitive edge, but may not be required.
參考: Personal experiences

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