ce會計 ******教科書*******

2007-01-11 3:30 am
有咩 "教科書" 教********* ce會計 *******ga??*********************
(唔係exercise book)

因為我未學過 ce會計

回答 (4)

2007-01-11 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Excellence in Principles of Accounts
by K.Y.Ng

This series is a student-oriented reference book written in simple English. It is designed for students sitting for HKCE & LCCI Examination.
2007-01-14 6:35 am
ce會計教科書用''朗文會計學原理 (第六版)》''最好
內容既涵蓋新實施的中學會考會計學原理課程,也包含本港舉辦的兩個重要會計考試的課題:英國倫敦工商會 (LCCI) 考試(二級)和香港專業會計員協會 (HKAAT) 考試(簿記與會計考試)

佢分第一冊(f.4)and 第二冊(f.5)

在普通書局包括大眾都買到,大約$225 到la

佢lee 本書的organisation 既好,內容都寫得不錯....exercise 都幾多元化

如果你要參考書....咁買宏思出的Excellence in Principles of Accounts 都幾好......有中文版的....d題目好多而且好多款...好多學校都用lee 本參考書
2007-01-13 10:21 pm
Prlinciples of Accounts for Hong Kong Vos. 1 (6th ED)
F. Wood

Cost & Management Accounting: An INtroduction
Colin Drury

Business Accounting Vol.1
Fank Wood

Cost & Management Accounting: AN INtroduction
Colin Drury
參考: St. Joseph
2007-01-11 5:37 am
朗文-Frank Wood's Principles of Accounts for Hong Kong Vol. 1 (6th Edition)
朗文-Frank Wood's Principles of Accounts for Hong Kong Vol. 2 (6th Edition)
宏思-Excellence in Principles of Accounts Book 1
宏思-Excellence in Principles of Accounts Book 2

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:24:23
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