芭蕾舞問題呀(1O點)快D come here !

2007-01-11 2:41 am
i want to ask what is Spotting ? ?
想要detail ....plz

回答 (1)

2007-01-11 3:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(包括做自轉Pirouettes﹐FOUETTES Pirouettes 好似天鵝湖 36個 FOUETTES呢﹗或者其他有方向的轉﹐如POSE Pirouettes OR PIQUE TURNS﹐Chainé Turns時)

Spotting has to do with timing and the focus of your eyes. A common problem is not looking at your spot long enough before you snap your head. In other words, if the turn comes on the count of 3, you have to be still looking at your spot on the count of 2 AND. If you are spotting into the mirror, you will see your face on 2 AND and then your face on 3. The turn continues, so you will be able to see most of your back in the mirror on 2 AND. A turn is not a circle, really, don't think of it as an "around", think of it as "front-front"。

Even at slow tempos, turns are always sharp, with a quick feel to them.
When spotting, remember that you are only spotting one thing (your eyes in the mirror, the exit sign, whatever) and your must actually see that object, not merely turn your eyes in it's direction. If you were spotting a word taped to the wall, you would actually read the word instead of just seeing black marks on a white paper.

Not focusing your eyes causes a lot of the dizziness﹗﹗﹗

There is a difference between spotting 盯著 and looking 望著. In spotting one must really see; really and truly SEE. If you are spotting while looking into a mirror in the classroom, spot your own eyes. Really see them as you come around. If you are spotting another object, have it be something at eye level。
參考: ME - RAD ADV 2

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