
2007-01-10 11:35 pm

回答 (1)

2007-01-16 9:07 pm
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你說的應該是 monocle

根據 Wikipedia 對於「[href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monocle]單片眼鏡[/href]」的說明:
[quote]Joseph Chamberlain wearing a monocleA monocle is a type of corrective lens, descended from the Quizzing glasses of the 1700s, used to correct the vision in only one eye. It consists of a circular lens, generally with a wire ring around the circumference that can be attached to a string. The other end of the string is then connected to the wearer's clothing to avoid losing the monocle.[/quote]

此外還可以看看其他條目,如"history of lensmaking"、"glasses"、"magnifier"



參考資料 Wikipedia & my own inference

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