what is the meanings?

2007-01-10 8:46 pm
learn to do more for less!

which is correct?
I am stupid to do the things.
it is stupid to me to do the things.

回答 (7)

2007-01-10 11:00 pm
~I am stupid enough to do some things.~
will be better than
~I am stupid to do the things.~

~It's stupid for me to do some things.~
will be better than
~it is stupid to me to do the things.~

because the use for the thing/things that you know and the person who talk to you also know what you talk.
參考: me
2007-01-10 9:04 pm
fristly, you should ask 'What does it mean?'

'learn to do more for less' practically means 'it is stupid to me to do the things.' it is something like '唔怕蝕抵'
2007-01-10 8:54 pm
Learn to do more for less
要學習(Learn)用好的方法、容易的方法(less) 去做一些困難的事、做多一些事(More)。做事要用腦!
2007-01-10 8:54 pm
learn to do more for less 即是學習去做多少。
Correct: I am stupid to do the things.
2007-01-10 8:52 pm
it is stupid for me to do the things.
2007-01-10 8:52 pm
It means you are quite stupid to do the item
try to think/do it other way/mean to get better result.

That's means you are criticized to be clever.
2007-01-10 8:50 pm
I am stupid to do the things.
參考: me

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