
2007-01-10 7:49 pm

回答 (2)

2007-01-10 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用視像上堂,只要屋企用寬頻上網,再買個web cam同埋earphone﹝連mic﹞就ok啦。有好多時間俾你選,唔使出街,咁出席率都高d啦。
四堂計$299﹝依家新加入嘅好似加咗少少价... $3xx﹞,先俾咗四堂錢就可以約時間上堂,每次上堂就會扣錢,上完四堂就去櫃員機﹝ATM﹞過數就得啦,好方便。
每次上堂有一個外籍老師同埋1-4個學生,學生會係讀緊差唔多年級嘅﹝以收窄差距﹞,上堂可以一次過學到grammar / listening / oral,效果唔錯。最緊要係d老師同學生都唔識你,你就可以放膽上堂啦。如果上咗幾堂後發覺個level唔啱自己,仲可以申請調班。

萬里視像英語老師 聯絡辦事處


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2007-01-13 2:57 am
Actually, there is no short cut in learning English and I have given some methods for someone wanting to learn better English. And I will quot them to you. And I must point out that constantly reading different materials written in English medium is the only avenue to success. Please bear in mind that in HKCEE, reading skill such as comprehension is of paramount important to you and plus please keep reading at this moment when you are reading this message.
There are so many papers related to reading skill. Again keep reading now. Don't give up until you finish your examination in 2008,

Messages I have written here before long.

How to write a good essay ie. composition.
(1)in composition, keep you English gammatical mistakes as fewer as possible. As I written here before, using various(不同的)sentence structures are of paramount important.(極之重要的). Aside from(除了)using the simple sentence structures such as Subject+verb+object, capitalizing(用=USE)participle, noun clause(always occurs in M.C.), and inversion are necessary.

Books suggested to you.
Let me suggest some books to you which can help you a lot in composition.
"Learning composition"; (with a bulb電燈胆 on its cover). This book written in good English and also with chinese meaning中英對照 can help you to learn a lot of words, phrase and also the sentence structures. Besides, if you have time, reading story books are also good for you. I have some suggestions. (a)"The definitive edition The Diary Of A Young Girl Anne Frank" is a good story book for F.5 student. A tremendous words you can learn from this book. Those sentence structures are also good for you. The price is just $66 and you can buy it in Commerical press商務 Apart from (= aside from) this book, another book called "Living history" written by Hillary Rodham Clinton(希拉里) is my favourite book. The sentences are in good structure and the words are fabulous(極好的).Price <$100
Good sentences: (1)There is no room for coward in this house. You must stand up for yourself. (2) She is my friend. She was and she still is 時式用得好

As you know,maybe you don't, Hillary is a lawyer graduated in Yale. Her English standard must be better than any English teacher teaching in Hong Kong secondary schools.

How to do M.C.
For M.C. Reading some difficult books such as Time magazine are good for you as well. After, reading this magazine, you can choose right answers with you own sense. At you level, the cloze passage tests your understanding on grammar, such as noun clause which occurs frequently, participle such as excited(用於人) or exciting(用於事) and conjunctions. Another book can help you too called "English Usage" published by Aristo.
For your English standard, this book is absolutely difficult to you. But don't worry, it is good for you especially the chapters namely participle, conjunction and transitive verbs.

How to prepair your listening test
For listening, watching DVDs is the only and the best way to improve your listening skill. As a form 5 student, I suggest several DVDs to you
(a)desperate housewives
(b)star war the return of sith
(c)sex and the city [you can learn a lot of good words such as drool over, devout,devour and pop the question] (devour: He is devoured by his anger.他給anger吞沒) I buy pixxxxd DVDs in Mong Kok..... Ha, Ha

Finally, for oral examination, watching DVDs can also help you a lot. You can learn a tremendous of slang words.

I hope this pieces of information can help you and good luck to you

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