Can sounds travel through wall (urgent!)

2007-01-10 7:17 pm
Can sounds travel through wall?
This is for my project so please tell me!
and if you have a website about the question please tell me the website!

回答 (2)

2007-01-10 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer depends manily on materials of wall.

Since sound wave is transmitted by vibration of air particles, solid wall with less air particle inside (i.e.實心) is less effecicient in transmitting sound waves to the other side, though it does occur.

Incomparison, a hollow wall (e.g.夾板牆) which trapping numbers of air particle inside. Thus sound wave is transmitted to the other side of the wall much efficiently.

for detail, you may visit the following website:
2007-01-10 8:11 pm
The answer is yes.
-Sound is transmitted through the vibration of the particles of solid , liquid and gases.
-walls are made up of particles
參考: From myself

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