大家幫幫忙 ~ 把a d野翻譯 做eng

2007-01-10 6:56 pm
〔小飛象的一雙大耳朵經常被人嘲笑,年紀輕輕的牠不知道別人在笑甚麼,只知自己常常成為他們的話柄。馬戲團狠心拆散小飛象兩母子,自此小飛象經常被其他動物欺負及誤解,牠覺得自己沒有人可依靠,也沒有人可憐。不過幸好得到小老鼠提摩太及魔術羽毛的幫助,小飛象重建信心,將嘲笑化為力量,實現自己的夢想。 〕 thx 大家幫下我 eng呀!

回答 (2)

2007-01-10 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Slightly flies an alike pair of the radical to ridicule frequently by the human that, age gently it did not know what others are smiling, only knows oneself becomes their words to redicule about frequently. The circus troupe breaks up cruel-heartedly slightly flies likely two mother and child, from now on will be small flies frequently is bullied likely by other animals and the misunderstanding, it thought oneself nobody might depend upon, also nobody pitiful. But obtains the mousie to raise luckily touches too and the magic feather help, slightly flies reconstructs the confidence likely, ridiculed changes into the strength, realizes own dream.

2007-01-10 7:46 pm
Sorry I don't know how to 翻譯 this word 馬戲團!!!!

2007-01-10 11:47:39 補充:
I do not know how to 翻譯 this word 馬戲團!!!!
參考: Myself

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