英文辯論求救 高手請進

2007-01-10 6:05 pm
題目是Capital punishment should be imposed on serve crimes

回答 (3)

2007-01-10 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Subject of debate:

"Capital punishment should be imposed on serve crimes"

1.Every human being has the inherent right to life.

2.Rights of life shall be protected by law.

3.No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.

2007-01-11 16:30:34 補充:
"Capital punishment should be imposed on serve (severe) crimes"
參考: 政府網絡
2007-01-10 10:05 pm
[ Capital punishment should be imposed on serious crimes ]
The types of crimes punishable by death vary considerably in different countries according to the form of government, political system and religious influence. Corruption in Mainland China, drug trafficking in Thailand, terrorist attack in the United States, and sexual crimes in Muslim countries may result in capital punishment. The debate here deals with the situation as it happens here in Hong Kong.
The Pros :
Capital punishment deters crimes. This is especially true for the most serious crimes such as murder. It is a commonly accepted idea by the Chinese that to govern a place well, we have to impose severe punishment on those convicted of deliberately or repeatedly breaking the law. The death penalty serves to remind the public that unlawful behaviour, serious crimes in particular, is not tolerated. To prevent an increase in violent crimes, we should resort to capital punishment.
It brings out justice. We cannot do justice to murder victims and their families except by sentensing murderers to death. An eye for an eye, and a life for a life. When one man's life is taken away by another person, it does not make sense to put that person in prison for life. Worse still, there were cases in which murderers originally serving life sentence were released from jail after twenty or thirty years. Put ourselves in the place of the victims' families, how sad and shocked they would be. If we think justice should be upheld in a highly civilised society as Hong Kong, capital punishment should be reinstated.
The Cons :
Capital punishment is inhumane and against human rights. It is ridiculous that we can lawfully take away someone's life when we accuse that someone of taking away the life of others. It doesn't make sense, and we have no right to do so.
Capital punishment may not deter crime. Whether death penalty really has the effect of diminishing serious crimes is still under much controversy. When a person is determined to kill someone, he would do so even if death penalty is in place because it is natural for him to think he may never be identified and caught. Life imprisonment, on the other hand, may be a better alternative since no one would like to live forever in a confined area, separated from friends and relatives, without freedom and always kept under close watch.
Criminals may be wrongfully convicted. Once in a while, we heard of cases in other countries in which prisoners were found to be innocent. Some of them had been put behind bars for many years, even decades. Evidence was discovered years later to prove they were not guilty of the crimes they had been convicted of, and they were freed. If they had been put to death, it would not have been possible to reverse the situation. Don't send a 'murder' to the electric chair, put him in jail instead.
( My own writing. Elaborate or change my suggestions as you wish )

2007-01-10 19:56:10 補充:
Amendment : Don't send a 'murderer' to the electric chair, ...
2007-01-10 9:11 pm
Reasons for capital punishment
1. "Eye for eye" is a popular concept for justice. Even many religions imply that concept. (Remember, it implies that "eye for eye" can only be used for murder.)
2. Capital punishment is a blow severe enough for intimidating citizens to think twice before committing severe crimes. (Of course, it only means reducing the possibility to offend, not preventing.)

Reasons against capital punishment
1. Putting a convicted person to death extinguishes his/her hope of doing good again in the world.
2. It is impossible to bring an executed person to life again if it is found that the executed person is not guilty (though years in jail can't be compensated by giving him/her more living years in the world).

You should note that the points above aren't contradictory to one another. Otherwise, I dare not express them.

I hope you find it useful, and make you think more about the society.

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