面對大陸的低成本競爭... - 10分

2007-01-10 2:13 pm

note: point form, no copy & paste web materials

回答 (3)

2007-01-11 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 向大陸低成本的公司買貨, 合作或代加口, 然後把貨物出口到其他國家. 賺一筆.
2) 向大陸廠家提供外海市場拓展計劃, 多賺一筆.
3) 向大陸廠家提供所缺乏的原料和技術, 又賺一筆.
4) 向海外入口高質貨品入大陸, 攻高檔市場, 再賺一筆.

2007-01-11 17:57:21 補充:
5) 減低自己的毛利和大陸的低成本廠家死過是一個比較笨的行為, 不應鼓勵.
2007-01-15 4:32 am
Under the competitive strategy of Michael Porter, there are three generic strategies:

1. Cost leadership
2. Focusing
3. Differential

So, when facing the cost leadership strategy of Mainland, we can:
a) focusing in a specific market, or;
b) sell the goods which is different from the Mainland's.
2007-01-10 5:20 pm
- Collaborate with supplier/vendor in China for mutual benefit by signing cooperate agreement
- Using China low cost Labour
- Using China low cost terminal and shipping cost
- Reduce the profit of our trading firm’s in order to achieve more quantity of successful business.
- Maintain our reputation in providing quality goods and service.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 15:27:17
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