大學GPA過3的人請進 (20 points)

2007-01-10 10:16 am
我是英文系year one的學生,GPA今年低得可憐,請問各位人兄如何温習及一星期平均花多少時間温習?

回答 (2)

2007-01-10 4:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am a university graduate and I can say that put more time in your study not equal to how many marks you can get as a result~

let me take an example, when I study in year 1, I put so many many time in my study and finally I only got 2.77, but in year 3, I not put too much time and I can get 3.67, may be you will ask why have this change, I can say that I emphasis on the quality, not the quantity~ ofcourse I am not say that quantity is not important, but I think quality is more important lor~ may be you can understand the note first, summarize the topic and you will have an efficient way in your study~

hope that I can answer your questions la~
2007-01-10 10:57 am
I studied in the US and as a rule of thumb, for a regular 3 credit class (eg, 3 hrs of class time per week) you will use 9 hours for preparing, doing homework, and studying.

But it varies from subject to subject in my own experience because classes like theory or history, I would need more time to finish the reading.

Another way that works is to form study group within your class. I am sure you will be able to learn from your fellow classmates too.

Good luck with your studies~
參考: my studies in the states.

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