Robberies ???

2007-01-10 2:25 am
Last august, I took a road in CA starting from san francisco and ending in San Diego. Now everything went great until my brother and I decided to go to Mission beach. I left my belongings for 5 minutes to search for my brother in the ocean. I come back, low and behold, everything was gone my brand new phone, camera, $100 ray ban sunglasses and my wallet which luckily only had $20. I had all of this hidden under towels and plastic bags. Trust me, since then I've learned my lesson and been more careful. My question is does this happen often in Mission beach??

回答 (8)

2007-01-11 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
robberies are everywhere and you should beware your surrounding. They like to target people who do not pay attention to their belongings.
2007-01-10 10:32 am
happens everywhere. good job.
2007-01-12 2:40 pm
It happens in every tourist city in the world. Just because you're somewhere else doesn't mean you shouldn't have your wits about you. San Diego is among the lowest in crime rates of any big city in the United States. Some of San Diego's cities have the lowest crime rates of any cities, period. There will always be a few bad apples though. No matter where you live or visit.
2007-01-10 11:07 pm
Thieves like to pray on tourists because they think you are too busy having a good time and enjoying your vacation to think about bad things happening. It's probably a lot more common than we think, I'm sure a lot of car break ins don't get reported. As a rule I usually don't leave any valuables in my car when I to any of the beaches, and I live here year round.
2014-05-16 9:36 am
My brother just got his rayban sunglasses that he bought from this site last week.
Comes with box, looks good. Any way, it it worth buying.
2007-01-10 6:17 pm
That place is filled with poor families with lots of kids. Go figure.
2007-01-10 1:05 pm
don't get smart

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