does anyone hate little dogs?

2007-01-10 12:58 am
i hate little dogs so much! they are so useless..all they do is sit there bit your heels and bark. they are so stupid! they are so ugly too..the way they sit there and shake like they are going to blow up! they are so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (26)

2007-01-10 1:08 am
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To each their own.
2007-01-10 1:06 am
2007-01-10 1:08 am
I have a little dog. She isnt stupid and she doesnt shake. She doesnt just sit there either. She is very smart! Also, she has never bit anyones heels and she rarely barks.

My little dog is 4 pounds and very cute. Thank you very much.

Chill pill much?
2007-01-10 1:03 am
My boyfriend hates little dogs, and i would prefer a big dog over a little one.....
2007-01-10 1:05 am
Umm, you need a chill pill or something? I myself am not fond of small dogs, I prefer larger dogs, but I wouldn't say I hate them. Sounds like you are just not a animal lover and shouldn't have a dog at all.
2007-01-10 1:04 am
had a Bad experience??
2007-01-10 1:03 am
excusee moi ?
2007-01-10 1:35 am
If you have to bend down to pat it its already more effort than its worth. I have never been bitten by a large 'dangerous' dog, just small ones (jack russle, chihuahua, pomeranian and 2 mini designer dogs) My son has required stitches from a neighbours jr cross and the cops laughed at me when i said i wanted the dog destroyed because he wasnt the first to be bitten. I foster abused dogs but i refuse to take anything below knee height because i am more likely to be bitten by them than an abused rottwieler cross pit bull. And small dogs require more work ie lower fences, sometimes grooming, more attention than a large dog and when they are mistreated they get nastier than big dogs.
2007-01-10 1:10 am
i know what you mean. seen plenty of them in my day.
thank god they are not all like that.
2007-01-10 1:10 am
I think you are absolutely right. Even though I have lots of love for large dogs. I really dislike little ones. Since I was young I would visit people who have little dogs, and then all the dog does is bark at me, and if it is not barking at me it is just running around hitting things. Also I have a feeling that they like do not understand. On the other when I went to someone who had a large dog that barked at me it was very quickly that they made them quiet. I think little dogs are just a pain.
2007-01-10 1:09 am
I am a dog lover but i can not stand little dogs. They are ugly, snobbish and their barking is noise. On the other hand, medium size dogs are the best. I have a boston terrier who is loyal and lovely. Pass the Chihuahua and start having fun with medium size breeds.

Good luck!
2007-01-10 1:07 am
Stay away from small dogs.And don't worry they know exactly who likes or dislikes them and that is the reason why they bark at you.Don't worry they won't seek you out .Control your hatred it can eat you up!!!!!
參考: Breeder for 16 yrs/Dog Lover/R.N.
2007-01-10 1:06 am
I prefer bigger dogs...If I can drop-kick a dog, I don't consider it a dog!
2007-01-10 1:03 am
i do! i've seen miniature chihahua and i dont see the point in them, yeah and they're pretty ugly. i was walking through petsmart and i almost stepped on one. they scare me in the way that if they break something who would operate on such a small delicate thing,,,, doesn't make sense. all people want is to have a dog they can carry everywhere with them. stupid..
2007-01-10 1:05 am
ibet my little dog can bite u before u blink u eyes
參考: tryed and tested
2007-01-10 2:53 am
i love all dogs but i like big dogs better
2007-01-10 1:27 am
yes me but dog help to secure your house when train them the right way
參考: yes me but dogs help to secure your house when u train them the right way
2007-01-10 1:21 am
really i dont h8 them, but i would rather own a big dog. i kinda see where ur going. yea i think theyre useless too. but they are ppls emotional support. some are ugly but doesnt mean u should h8 them. so, this is what i say: I FREAKIN H8 U! i meant the person.
2007-01-10 1:40 am
I do not hate little dogs and did not receommend little dog. These dogs are only bark and cannot protect your family. I have 2 rottweilers in my house and they are good and obedient. They have biting problems when they are in puppyhood.
2007-01-10 1:10 am
All dogs are designed for one thing or another. I like all size dogs. I have Bostons which are little and a boxer that is Med/Lg.
2007-01-10 1:23 am
bitter much? maybe they hate you too. i have a mini dach, and i love him to death. i hope you have one jump up and bite you in the a**.
2007-01-10 1:07 am
i dont hate them but i do certainly dislike them i dont like the realy Small ones like Yorkies and chuwawas they yap allt he time and they are sorta ugly
2007-01-10 1:06 am
I like little dogs as long as they belong to someone else.
2007-01-10 3:12 pm
Have you ever had a little dog ? if not then please dont post that they are stupid since you have never had one then you dont know what you are talking about . little dogs are very smart and very intune as to who does not like them . ever think that is why that bark at you? guess what they might think you are ugly because of the way you act around them. Ever think of that? They shake because they are either excited or cold . Now you have learned something hopefully . Please try to curb your hatred it is not healthy and maybe you need to see somebody for that anger and agression you seem to have concerning little dogs . Not being mean just honest .
2007-01-10 1:10 am
Some little dogs are very sweet. I think people spend less time training small dogs because they can be restrained easily. Big dogs that are antisocial aren't usually tolerated.

Keep your distance and your temper. Hope you have better experiences with small dogs.
2007-01-10 1:17 am
I don't hate little dogs. I hate dogs that act like little dogs. I have Saints, Labs and Pekes and my smallest in size is the biggest in personality. My Saints are afraid of her. I know people that have small dogs that hunt and they can be vicious. Its the little spoiled rotten lap rats who's only purpose in life is to irritate I cant stand.

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