My boyfriend is asking for making love with me...we only have 3 months together..Is this allright?

2007-01-09 1:33 pm
I'm virgin, I'm afraid.....Men look for virgin girls..

回答 (16)

2007-01-09 1:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sex not occur before:
1. You are ready to deal with a pregnancy, should it occur
2. You are ready to deal with an STD, should it occur
3. When you know how a woman can become pregnant (all the ways it can occur)
4. When you know what the various STDs are and how they are transmitted and how to help protect against them
5. When you are ready to insist your partner wear a condom
6. When you are on a reliable form of birth control and using it properly
7. When you are ready to deal with any emotional issues that may come from being intimate with another person
Until you've got those things covered, you should not have sex.
2007-01-09 1:40 pm
If he's pressuring you now for this and you give in, down the track, what's he going to pressure you for, and will you give in then too?
2007-01-09 1:37 pm
girl if u are not ready tell him that u are not ready! and if he dumps u then he was only using u so he wasnt worth it in the first place! be very carful and only do it when u are ready! good luck =]
2016-05-23 10:30 am
1. I would take the short road because I am anxious to see him. 2. 10 red to represent our love and10 white to represent the purity of it. 3. I would be polite and say that I will get him myself. 4. I would leave one of each on the bed and the rest I would put in a vase by the window. 5. He is asleep so I get into bed with him and snuggle up next to him and lightly kiss him to wake him. He is pleasantly surprised. 6. I take the long way home so that I can enjoy the memories we made the night before.
2007-01-09 1:44 pm
No, boys want to get in girls pants. I'll tell you what I told my daughter...I understand hormones, I used to be a teenager. But boys will say ANYTHING to get sex. Just don't give "it" away ok?
2007-01-09 1:38 pm
if he is a virgin and truely loves u he is just feeling like he is ready for the next step but if u tell him ur not ready yet and afraid and keeps on askin every day or second day he dosent respect ur decision but if he agrees with it and says thats cool as soon as u feel ready and asks u in a month or so he truely loves u
2007-01-09 1:41 pm
I think its ok!!! sex is something that is for pleasure, its like going into a shoe store, you have to try to see which fits best!!! But make you use a condom, you dont want to get pregant!! picture it has if it was the sock over the foot before it tries to see if the shoe fits!!
2007-01-09 1:40 pm
i was only with my boyfriend for 3 1/2 months when we both know that it was right. we talked about it and the what could happen and how responsible we had to be about this decision.
try talking first about the good and the bad and then if you and him think that its right then go for it.
2007-01-09 1:40 pm
No it is not alright, but you may do it as a strategy, that is if you would want to hook him to stay even after the 3 months, maybe he will
2007-01-09 1:37 pm
I'm a virgin too. but, I can't wait to lose my virginity. It's all up to you.

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