2007-01-10 6:43 am

In the fig.,a circular disc with radius r cm is leaned against the wall TH.TK is the horizontal ground.A and B are the points of contact of the disc with the ground and wall respectively.TP=10cm and TR=8cm(tangent to the circle).

a) Express PR in terms of r.
b) Hence find the value of r,correct to 3 significant figures

a) 2r-18
b)15.4 cm

thx a lot!

回答 (2)

2007-01-10 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Let Q be the points of contact of PR
∵PR is the tangent to the circle
∴AP = PQ and BR = QR
  AT = BT = r

 AP = AT - TP
 AP = r - 10
∴PQ = r - 10

 BR = BT - TR
 BR = r - 8
∴QR = r - 8

PR = PQ + QR
  = (r - 10) + (r - 8)
  = 2r - 18

(b) 用畢氏定理
    (PR)^2 = (TP)^2 + (TR)^2
   (2r - 18)^2 = (10)^2 + (8)^2
4(r^2 - 18r + 81) = 100 + 64
 r^2 - 18r + 81 = 41
 r^2 - 18r + 40 = 0
       r = {-(-18) ±√[(-18)^2 - 4(1)(40)]} / 2(1)
       = (18 ±√164)/2
       = 15.4 or 2.60 (rejected)
the value of r 淨係要個值
2007-01-10 6:47 am
Yeah!I am right!
參考: My self

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