
2007-01-10 6:40 am
請問除了linking verb and verbal adject外,仲有什麼常見文法跟verb有關?

回答 (2)

2007-01-10 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
action verb

2007-01-11 21:08:25 補充:
Linking Verb連繫動詞,是其中一類動詞。這類動詞不表達動作,作用只是用來連接主語(Subject)和主語的附加資料(Additional information about the subject),令句子意思完整及符合文法。例如:Mary is beautiful.如果沒有is,句子便犯了文法上的錯誤,而is的作用,是連接主語Mary和主語的附加資料beautiful。

2007-01-11 21:08:52 補充:
最常見的Linking verb是"be",包括is,am,are,was和were。其他Linking verbs包括become,stay,seem,look,appear,均是不帶動作的動詞。而Action Verb則是含有動作的動詞。例如:Tom runs quickly. (runs是含有動作的動詞,動作就是跑步)Betty writes slowly. (write是含有動作的動詞,動作是寫)

2007-01-11 21:09:28 補充:
很多時候,Action verb後面接副詞,因為副詞通常用來形容動作動詞;而不含動作的動詞大部份都是be,後面多接形容詞。例如:Paul looks tired. (保羅看起來很累。)Nancy is pretty. (蘭絲很美。)

2007-01-11 21:09:49 補充:
其他含Linking verb的例句:Mary became a designer two years ago. 瑪莉在兩年前成為了設計師。Please stay at the entrance of the shop. I’ll find you at once. 請留在店的入口,我會立刻找到你。Alice is like her father. 愛麗絲跟她爸爸很像。

2007-01-11 21:10:02 補充:
其他含Action verb的例句:Peter is reading a book quietly. 彼得在靜靜地看書。Fanny types fast. 芬妮打字很快。Benny speaks loudly. 賓尼說話很大聲。

2007-01-11 21:12:12 補充:
To know detail visit this website:
2007-01-10 11:00 am
Intransitive - An intransitive verb does not take a direct object
e.g. They're sleeping.
They arrived late.

Transitive - A transitive verb takes a direct object. The direct object can be a noun, a pronoun or a clause.
e.g. They bought the sweater.
He watched them.

2007-01-10 03:01:36 補充:
Abstract Verbs to be, to want, to cost, to seem, to need, to care, to contain, to owe, to exist...Possession Verbs to possess, to own, to belong...Emotion Verbs to like, to love, to hate, to dislike, to fear, to envy, to mind...

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