英文問題 好急急急(小組討論)

2007-01-10 6:22 am
You and two other members of the English Club are going to do a project about Chinese New Year. You meet to discuss the project.

In your discussion,you may include:

1.What kinds of Chinese New Year superstitions do wr believe(e.g.food,colour)
2.Waht do we usually do before the Chinese New Year's Day?(e.g.things to buy,place to go)
3.what do we usually do on Chinese New Year's Day(e.g. visit friends,give red packets)
4.what do we usuaaly say during Chineses New Year's Day?

5.any other details that are important 我想你地講1. 講少少俾我 example:1.I thing'fat choi'because symbol getting rich. 寫你答既野is邊題 仲有問人點解what do you thing? 仲有咩我同意你I agree with you 仲有咩寫 俾我 盡量多D thank you

回答 (1)

2007-01-10 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.What kinds of Chinese New Year superstitions do wr believe(e.g.food,colour)
answer : for example, colour is red,food I don't know
2.Waht do we usually do before the Chinese New Year's Day?(e.g.things to buy,place to go)
answer : for example,we will buy flowers,we will clean our house
3.what do we usually do on Chinese New Year's Day(e.g. visit friends,give red packets)
answer : fpr example,visit friends,give red packets,eat with family
4.what do we usuaaly say during Chineses New Year's Day?
answer : gong xi fa cai (恭喜發財)

參考: 自已想的......

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