機師 Help (20分)

2007-01-10 5:39 am
1) 我想問下機師可以做到幾多歲?
2) 我知道考機師要讀好多野,所以我想問下邊到有得買d書讀下?例如講解下氣象,因為我上網睇到話要記到有10隻雲雲名
3) 我想問下學多d語言會唔會大d機會入到?
4) 邊間航空公司好d?(e.g國泰)

回答 (4)

2007-01-10 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
我估你係問 cadet pilot program....

1) 如果你仲過到 medical check,Cathay 55, DragonAir 60 都要 retire
2) 考機師係唔駛讀任何0野,但係唔係乜都唔識,好多佢問0既問題如果你本身對飛機/航空業有興趣就會識。
有興趣唔係話 "我好鍾意 我好鍾意...." 咁就叫有興趣 wor。有興趣係你會主動咁搵一0的題目去學..... 好似 "飛機用乜 navigate",你就會搵到一0的叫 VOR 呀,NDB 呀咁0既0野... ,而 VOR / NDB 又係乜0黎呢,乜原理呢?依0的就係睇你對飛機有冇興趣0既問題喇﹗有興趣你就會自己去搵答案,搵0左你就會識,識0左咪唔怕比人 interview 問 law

我好 suggest 你睇返一兩年0的飛機 magazine 先,都幾貴 ga,期期成 ~$100,Airliner / Flight Internation 都唔錯 (page one 有得賣,再唔係就訂啦)

至於識幾多隻雲依0的問題都有幾會問 ga,總知佢唔係要你識晒 (你一早識晒就唔駛你學啦),但係要你有 sense law

3) 學好英文就 ok 喇
4) 冇話邊間好0的0既,人人都有唔同要求,如果只係想飛,就間間都一樣啦....
參考: 自己
2007-01-10 5:07 pm
1) you can become a pilot at any age. You can still be a pilot if you pass the medical check when you are 80 years old. there is a guy still flying when he is about 100 years old.

2) don't know

3) if you know more language you should be a cabin crew. Because they usually use english.

4) i rackon singapore air, qantas, JAL, ANA and CX is better
參考: my brain
2007-01-10 7:45 am
(1) 55
(2) HK Aircadet, "I can fly" by Cathay Pacific
(3) depends on the post you're going to apply. FA-Yes, Cadet Pilot-Not really, Office work-depends
(4) depends. some pilot applicants like KA more because of their job nature. In term of service, SQ is far better. etc.... putting in simple words, the question is too vague.
2007-01-10 5:55 am
1) 55歲
2) 你可以參加香港航空青年團 ( HKACC ) (12-21歲)
3) 一定會,但係一定要識英文
4) 國泰,因為此是多年最佳航空公司
參考: 香港航空青年團

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